UX Optimization: Understanding how people use your website

UX Optimization: Understanding how people use your website Ever wondered why some websites are just easier and feel better to use? Welcome to one of our stage one steps on our SEO roadmap: UX Optimization. No tech jargon here, just simple explanations. Our user experience optimization solutions are all about making your website easy and enjoyable for visitors. This popular service can be implemented on already-built websites or websites that start from scratch. Let’s get started. What is UX Optimization? UX optimization, or User Experience optimization, is all about making your website more user-friendly. It’s like creating a smooth and enjoyable ride for your visitors. When your website is easy to use, people stick around longer, understand your offerings better, and are more likely to become customers. Sadly, many businesses miss out on this because they lack the know-how, and they just think, “the website is fine how it is….” Is SEO part of UX? While UX and SEO might seem like two different worlds, they’re more connected than you might think. Search engines no longer evaluate web pages on keyword use alone. Instead, a website must understand user intent and provide a rich user experience to rank highly in organic search engine results. To put it simply, when your site is a joy to use, search engines notice and reward you with higher rankings. So, we’re not just sprucing up your website for looks; we’re also giving it a boost in the SEO rankings department. How Do We Optimize Your Website’s UX? Fleshing Out Your Website’s Content We kick things off with an audit, like a website check-up, so if you think your website “is fine how it is”, get a free report where we will offer our suggestions for free! We look at how your site is doing, what your competitors are up to, and how everything looks. Then, we create a value-packed report with all the findings and personalized recommendations, which we discuss in a free consultation right after. After that, it’s all about making your website’s content and design better. Let’s dive deeper into this. So, the audit is a bit like when a doctor checks your health. They look at how you’re doing, and in our case, we check your website. We see how fast it loads, how easy it is to use, how it compares to competitor websites, and how it’s designed on all devices. Your SEO Roadmap Begins with an Audit The initial audit is like a thorough check-up of your website and your competitors. We’ll carefully review your current website and discuss ways to make it even better. Don’t worry if you don’t have a website yet – we can chat for free about your business needs and create one that fits perfectly, with examples showcasing your products and services the way they should be. Find Out More About Our Free Audit 1. Technical User Experience Optimization Speed On the web, being slow is a big no-no. People are impatient. They don’t want to wait. So, we make sure your website is faster than a cheetah chasing its dinner. Slow websites annoy visitors. Annoyed visitors leave, they leave and never come back. Even search engines, like Google, hate slow websites. They might not even show them to people looking for what you offer. Imagine if you had to wait forever for a checkout page to load. You’d probably find a different website to buy from, right? Security Think of your website like a secret vault. We make sure it’s locked up tight so no sneaky online intruders can get in. Your website’s safety is important to us. Your website is your house, and we’re the security experts who make sure all the doors and windows are locked. We install security systems and put up sturdy locks so your website stays safe from any digital burglars. An updated website is a secure website! Mobile-Friendly People use all kinds of gadgets to go online. Some use big computers, some use small phones, and some use tablets. We make sure your site looks and works great on all of them. If your website looks all weird on a phone, people won’t stay. Imagine trying to read a book with tiny print. Not fun, right? After all, a mobile-friendly site is no longer an option but a necessity. Google looks at your mobile version before the desktop version as of 2018. 2. Design User Experience Optimisation High-Quality Images and Videos A good picture or video can tell a story better than a thousand words. We ensure your website is adorned with high-quality visuals that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression. These visuals not only enhance the overall aesthetics but also make your content more engaging and shareable. User-Friendly Navigation A user-friendly website is a successful website. We design intuitive navigation that helps visitors easily find their way around your site. A well-structured menu and logical layout improve the overall user experience, keeping visitors on your site longer and reducing bounce rates. Whitespace You know how sometimes your room can get all messy with stuff everywhere? Websites can be like that too. Whitespace isn’t wasted space; it’s a design principle that creates breathing room for a clean and uncluttered appearance. A clean space is a clean mind. We utilize whitespace effectively to make your site visually appealing, ensuring that your content stands out and is easy to read – just like how you clear your desk to focus better, we clear your website for a more pleasant experience. Eye-Catching CTAs and Buttons You’ve seen buttons like “Buy Now” or “Learn More,” right? That’s where conversions happen. We make these calls-to-action (CTAs) and buttons irresistibly clickable. Their design and placement are optimized to guide visitors toward taking the desired actions, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up for your newsletter. We discuss these CTA’s during our consultation and during the design process, and we can continuously test and tweak them. Revised Mobile Design Everybody’s

How a Google My Business Profile can help you be found online 

How a Google My Business Profile can help you be found online If you’re not found on Google Maps, you might as well be invisible. So, where do you start? Imagine your business as a hidden gem in a super crowded, huge city. You know it’s a fantastic place, but how do you make sure others discover it when searching on Google Maps? That’s where Google My Business comes in handy – putting your business on the map, both literally and digitally. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through why setting up your Google My Business profile is a crucial step on our SEO roadmap. What Exactly is Google My Business (GMB)? Think of it as your online business card on Google. It’s like putting your store on Google Maps and in local search results. With GMB, you can share important info about your business, such as when you’re open, reviews, services or products available, how to get in touch, and even a link to your website. Plus, here’s the big deal – for you to rank high, Google Business Profile is vital on the list for local SEO factors, helping you rise above your local competitors. Without an optimized profile, you’ll probably continue getting very few customers online. Why Do You Need a GMB Profile? Let’s imagine you’re in a new city. You Google “best pizza near me.” What do you see? Local pizza places, complete with addresses, hours, reviews, and photos of the pizzas people have taken there. That’s the power of GMB. Now, picture this: you own the best pizza joint in town, but you’re not being found high on Google Maps. Guess what? You’re missing out on all those hungry customers looking for you. FYI, people usually find what they need in the top 3-5 restaurants. Pizza is pizza. So, why Google My Business? Map Visibility: Your business appears on Google Maps, making it easier for people to find your physical location. Key Information: You can display essential details like opening hours, contact information, and even a link to your website. Local SEO: Google Business Profile ranks high on the list of vital local SEO factors, helping you stand out in local search results. Reviews: People trust people. The more reviews you have, the more visitors you’ll get. The Benefits of Google My Business Profile (aka Google Maps Profile) Google My Business is a must-have tool for modern businesses, and here’s why. First, it boosts your visibility on Google, making it easier for potential customers to discover you. Second, it’s a hub for connecting with your customers personally, building trust and loyalty.  Alsooooo, the backend of GMB gives you valuable insights about local SEO. This is where you see how people find your business, what they type in, where they’re from, how many people ask for directions, call you, visit the site, and more – perfect for understanding your (potential) customers better, which makes it easy to improve everything. On top of that, honest reviews about your products or services, right there on your Business Profile, help people make informed choices and increase their satisfaction. People trust people, not businesses. These reviews set your business apart, boosting its reputation and credibility. In a world where social proof guides our decisions, platforms like Google My Business (aka Google Maps) make it simple to gather recommendations with just a few clicks. Why Do I Need a Website If I Have Google My Business? Great question! The ranking of your business depends on the amount of SEO work done on your website. Surprise, surprise, if you just have a GMB profile, you won’t rank high for all the keywords you want to be found for. If you are not sure if the SEO fundamentals have been done on your website (aka, if you are not getting customers from online), click here for a report on what has been done, what hasn’t, and where you rank. Also, I think we can all relate to using Google Maps to find quick, on-the-go info (especially when we’re on mobile). Some of us need more details before we commit to making a decision. Without a website, you’re potentially missing out on these curious customers.  A website serves as your digital storefront, where customers can explore every nook and cranny of your business, from your history, the quality of your products and services, proof of work, and more. Anyway, most people are checking your business out in the evening when it’s not acceptable to call. Make it easy for them to contact you through the website. How We Optimize Your GMB We take your Google Maps profile from bad, okay, or good to excellent. And if you don’t have one, we’ll create it from scratch. We’ll fully optimize it so it’s done properly and bring your business to life with high-quality photos and engaging videos. We also help you generate reviews because, as we all know, before making up our minds, we all read reviews cause, simply, people trust people. It’s all about making your business trustworthy and appealing. “64% of consumers use Google My Business to find contact details for local businesses, 94% of calls to local businesses come from GMB on weekdays, and an average business is discovered in over 1,000 monthly searches.” – GITNUXMARKETDATA Google My Business 2023 Why Google Reviews Matter Did I mention Google Reviews? Yes, it’s also part of your Google My Business Profile, and as said above, we help you seamlessly generate them because you NEED them. Also, reviews can help boost your Google My Business ranking, especially if reviews mention keywords and locations, for example, “best Guinness in Dublin.” When customers leave reviews, it encourages others to do the same. It’s like a chain reaction. The more reviews you have, the more visitors you’ll get. Here’s why they matter:  Credibility & Social Proof: We’re social creatures, and we trust other people’s recommendations. Think of reviews like your online word-of-mouth.  Competitive Edge: Positive reviews set

What is link building & how does it work?

What is link building & how does it work? Link building is an integral part of our SEO marketing roadmap, and here’s why. Think of links as votes of confidence for your website. The more websites Google sees in your business, the more reputable your business is, which results in higher rankings. Search engines, especially Google, use links as one of the top factors to determine how valuable and trustworthy your content is. However, there’s a catch – Google is smart. It’s become pretty good at spotting unnatural link patterns, so not all links are equal. Let’s dive in. So, What’s Link Building All About? Link building is the art of connecting your website with other websites or your own through hyperlinks. But it’s not just about discovery; it’s also about quality assessment. Think of good links as votes of confidence from other websites. Google sees these votes as a sign that your content is valuable and trustworthy. However, not all links are assessed equally. Over time, Google has become pretty good at spotting artificial or unnatural linking patterns. It’s like the engine’s way of saying, “Hey, we’re looking for genuine, helpful links, not sneaky tricks.” So, to avoid getting flagged, it’s essential to build links that are:  Helpful: They provide value to users – so they learn. High Quality: They come from reputable sources, aka well-known websites. Natural: They flow naturally within your content – and not stuffed in. Contextual: They relate directly to the topic at hand, so you rank higher. Internal vs. External Links Internal Links These are links within your website that connect different pages together. They’re like signposts guiding users to related content on your site. External Links (Backlinks) External links, aka backlinks, is when your website is linked on other websites to bring users BACK to your website (or vice versa). Why is Link Building Important? So, why should you care about link building? Well, here’s the deal: the more high-quality backlinks your website has, the higher it can soar in the search engine rankings. Backlinks, in the eyes of Google, are like brownie points. Each link is a brownie point, the more you have, the higher you rank. Link Quality – Not All Links Are Equal Links, like brownies, come in different flavors, and some are more tasty than others. For instance, a link from a popular website carries more weight than a random link from a less popular site. Imagine you own a restaurant – getting a link from a restaurant review on a high-authority website like The Guardian or Tripadvisor is like hitting the jackpot. In contrast, a link from your aunt’s cooking school website, though well-intentioned, won’t do as much for your SEO or rankings. So What Matters in Link Building? When it comes to link building, not all links are as impactful as others. Several factors determine how beneficial a specific link is: 1. Global Popularity Imagine link popularity like a popularity contest in school. The websites that get the most attention, by having more links from others, tend to rank higher. Think of Wikipedia as an example – millions of links – it’s the cool kid who everyone wants to be friends with. It’s linked by an infinite amount of websites, and that’s why it often lands at the top of search results. Google’s SEO algorithm has huge respect for Wikipedia! 2. Local Popularity Now, think of your popularity within your local area, like having loads of friends from your neighborhood. When websites similar to yours (in content or theme) link to you, search engines take notice. For example, if a well-known food blog in your country or county links to your restaurant’s website, search engines see the connection and consider it a vote of confidence. Boom, higher rankings. 3. Anchor Text Anchor text is jargon or simply the fancy term for the words used in a hyperlink to describe the page it brings you to. It serves two purposes: describing the linked page and enticing people to click. These words matter because they provide context. For instance, if your shoe store’s website is linked with the anchor text “best shoe store in town,” it tells search engines that your website is a valuable resource for shoes. However, if the same keywords are used excessively, search engines might suspect spammy tactics – closely related to keyword stuffing. Big no, no. While you can’t control the anchor text others use when they link to your site, you have control over improving your internal links. 4. Link Context Even if it’s the first time you ever read about building links, you can still probably imagine that links are most valuable when they relate directly to your content. If you’re reading about gardening and suddenly find a link to a car repair manual, it’s confusing for you (and Google), which results in no improvement in ranking. The transition from one page to the linked page should be smooth and logical, meaning it should reflect the context. 5. Source of the Link As mentioned, the source of the link is everything. Again, imagine it like recommendations for a restaurant. If a renowned food critic recommends a place, you’re more likely to trust it than if your cousin’s friend mentions it. Links from authoritative, trusted websites carry more weight in the eyes of Google and other search engines. Google has clever ways to tell the big players from the small ones, and it values links from the popular sites more than the less-known ones. 90% of marketers use quality content as their core strategy for link building. [Source – searchlogistics.com] What We Do – Our Link-Building Strategy Here’s the inside scoop on our link-building strategy – considering all the above,  as part of our SEO roadmap, we research and register your website in over 30 reputable & niche-related websites. But that’s just the beginning of our marketing roadmap’s Foundations Stage.  We also take care of your internal linking strategy, weaving links into