Your step-by-step guide to the Trading Online Voucher Application Form

Your Step-by-Step Guide to the Trading Online Voucher Application Form In our previous blogs, we introduced the Trading Online Voucher (TOV) Scheme and how it can help small businesses grow online. We discussed its benefits, shared tips for crafting a strong marketing plan, and highlighted the advantages of working with a marketing agency. Now, let’s dive into the application process so you can confidently take the next step in securing this valuable grant. A Quick Recap of the Trading Online Voucher (TOV) Scheme Before we discuss the application details, let’s quickly remind ourselves what the Trading Online Voucher Scheme (TOV)  is all about. Funded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE), the TOV Scheme is designed to help small businesses with fewer than 10 employees improve their online presence. The grant offers up to €2,500 to cover half of the eligible costs (excluding VAT) for building or enhancing your business’s e-commerce capabilities. This isn’t just free money; it’s a grant that you’ll need to apply for competitively. Your application needs to show a clear plan for how you’ll use the voucher to grow your online sales and digital operations. The TOV Scheme is particularly beneficial for enhancing your digital marketing efforts, enabling you to reach new customers and optimise your website. Developing a clear digital marketing strategy is also crucial in the application process. In earlier blogs, we explained why the scheme is so valuable and how partnering with a marketing agency can make your application stronger. Now, let’s focus on how to actually apply for the trading voucher. HOW TO APPLY FOR THE TRADING ONLINE VOUCHER Step 1: Attend the Mandatory Information Seminar for the Trading Online Voucher Scheme The first thing you need to do is attend a mandatory half-day Information Seminar hosted by your Local Enterprise Office (LEO). This seminar is essential because it gives you all the information you need about the Trading Online Voucher, including how to use it effectively and what guidelines to follow. The seminar is more than just a box to tick; it’s a chance to really understand what the grant is for and how you can make the most of it. You’ll learn about the kinds of projects that qualify for funding, what costs can be covered, and what common mistakes to avoid when applying. By the end of the seminar, you’ll have a much clearer idea of what to include in your application. We can help you get the most out of this seminar by making sure you’re registered and fully prepared. Remember, attending the seminar is a must—you won’t be able to apply without it. Step 2: Filling Out the Online Application After the seminar, it’s time to start your application. You’ll need to fill out an online form provided by your Local Enterprise Office (LEO). The form will ask for detailed information about your business and the project you want to use the TOV for. In your application, you’ll need to clearly explain your project and how it will improve your online trading. This could mean boosting sales, reaching new customers, or improving how you engage with your current ones. Eligible expenses can include online advertising, which is crucial for enhancing your digital marketing strategies. You’ll also need to share financial details like your current turnover and how much you expect it to grow thanks to the project. A big part of this step is gathering the right paperwork. You’ll need to get written quotes from at least three suppliers for the work you want to do. These quotes should be detailed, explaining exactly what will be done and how much it will cost. You’ll also need to show that your business has been trading for at least six months by providing things like business registration documents or bank statements, ensuring you include proper business registration details. Additionally, setting up online payments is essential for improving your eCommerce functionality and can be covered by the funding. We’re here to guide you through this whole process, making sure everything in your application is accurate and complete. We’ll help you describe your project in a way that fits the TOV’s goals and make sure you have all the documents you need, including those supplier quotes with proper business details. Step 3: Evaluation and Approval Once you’ve submitted your application, it will be reviewed by your Local Enterprise Office. This is a competitive process, so the evaluators will look at how well your project fits the criteria, how much it will benefit your business, and whether it’s financially sound. Only the best applications get approved, so it’s important to make yours stand out. The evaluators want to see projects that will clearly improve your business, whether that’s through more online sales, entering new markets, or creating jobs. We specialise in helping businesses like yours craft applications that get noticed. We’ll work with you to present your project in the best possible way, making sure it highlights the benefits and aligns with what the TOV Scheme is looking for. Step 4: Getting the Work Done If your application is approved, you’ll receive a letter from your Local Enterprise Office confirming the grant amount and the specific work that has been approved. Then it’s time to start the project. You’ll need to work with the suppliers you’ve chosen and complete the project within six months of getting the voucher. It’s important to keep all the paperwork organised because you’ll need to submit these documents when you request payment. This includes signed declarations from your suppliers, original invoices, and proof that you’ve paid for the work, which must be claimed in one payment phase. We can help manage this part too, making sure everything runs smoothly and according to the TOV guidelines. We’ll coordinate with suppliers, keep track of the project’s progress, and prepare all the documents you’ll need to get your payment. Step 5: Reporting the Results After your project is done and you’ve used the voucher, you’ll need to