5 Signs Your Site Has UX Issues

SO! You’re feeling uncertain about your website’s user experience (UX), huh? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! We are here to help you understand what UX is, why it’s important, and how to check if your website needs some help – we can do that, too! A great website is not just about its information. It’s also about how it looks, the simplicity, and your visitors’ overall experience.

What do we mean by UX Optimisation?

User Experience Optimization is concerned with how easy your website is for your visitors to use. The more your visitors enjoy, the more they’ll come back and bring a friend! That’s your goal, more viewers who will eventually turn into paying customers. And of course, if you wanna know more, just check our blog – you can get details on why having a good UX website matters. You see, it’s not just about making it look good, your website needs to be engaging and simple to use.

Signs of User Experience Issues

1. High Bounce Rates and Low Time-on-Page

A high bounce rate means that your visitors only access your homepage and leave your website. This could be due to slow website loading times, confusing layout, or irrelevant content. Think about a website that took what seemed like forever to load. You hated it, didn’t you? The longer your website takes to load, the more visitors will abandon it.

2. Low Conversion Rates

Low conversion rates mean that visitors aren’t signing up, purchasing, or taking any action you’d like them to. This could be due to unclear or difficult-to-locate calls-to-action (CTA) like click here or buy now and confusing forms. When your CTA is clear and visible, the chances of increasing our conversions go up to 200%. Imagine that!

How frustrating is it when your visitors can’t find what they’re looking for? When your website is difficult to navigate, like with poor information hierarchy or confusing navigation, your visitors will surely abandon it for a better one.

4. Slow-loading Pages

When you’re trying to find information, and the website is too slow, you’re most likely to look for another website. That’s what your visitors will do if your pages are slow-loading. A few culprits for slow loading are large image files and excessive scripts. A script is a set of instructions that a computer can follow to accomplish a task. [Source: What Are Scripts in Web Design? (websitebuilderpoint.net)]

5. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness

In the growing age of technology, having your website accessible on your phone is a must. Issues like tiny text, difficult-to-click buttons, miss-sized navigation, and so on can prevent mobile users from accessing your website. Think of it this way; if your website is poorly designed and inaccessible through mobile phones, users won’t recommend it. How many sales could you be losing this way?

6. High Cart Abandonment Rates (For E-commerce sites)

Sometimes, visitors will fill up their carts and quit all of a sudden. This could be due to a complex checkout process or unexpected or hidden costs that were not revealed to them until they reached the end of the line – not fun. According to the Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.99%!

UX Design Key Takeaways

Addressing these UX problems is important to increasing your website’s page visits, which in turn leads to increased sales. Improving your website is always a good idea. The more up-to-date it is, the more likely you’ll continue to attract users.

Want Help with Your Website’s Performance?

If you’ve noticed these issues on your site, it looks like it needs some TLC. We can help you assess your website’s foundation and check if everything is accurate. Click here to get started with a free website check-up, and our team will provide a personalised report within 2 business days.