What is a website sitemap, and why you need one

When you choose to build a website from scratch with us, it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetics and design elements—it’s all about visual appeal. However, one super important element that’s often overlooked and frequently asked about by our clients is the sitemap. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a sitemap is, its importance, and how it can enhance your website’s usability and search engine optimization (SEO).

So, what is a sitemap?

A sitemap serves as a blueprint for your website, visually illustrating how your site is structured and the organization of its content. It acts like a marketing roadmap, aiding both users and search engines in navigating your site effectively. While sitemaps are typically internal planning tools and not visible to users, some websites choose to display them as a hierarchical list of links to all pages. Over time, the prominence of these displayed sitemaps has decreased as more advanced navigation features have taken their place.

Now, why is it important to plan a website sitemap?

Firstly, it makes communication within your team much easier. It acts as a map that shows everyone how different parts of your website fit together, helping everyone understand and agree on how the website should be built. Secondly, a well-organized sitemap makes it simple to add new pages as your website grows without causing confusion. Lastly, sitemaps encourage creativity and planning, allowing designers to try out different ideas before building the website.

Why Sitemaps Matter for UX & Website Performance

Sitemaps are essential for various reasons, including improved crawlability, better user experience, increased website traffic, and more efficient content organization.

1. Improved Crawlability by Search Engines

Search engines like Google use sitemaps to discover and index your website’s pages. An XML sitemap helps these search engines understand which pages are important and should be crawled. This is particularly beneficial for new websites, as it alerts search engines to your site’s existence and structure.

2. Better User Experience

HTML sitemaps enhance user navigation by providing a clear and accessible structure of your website. Placing an HTML sitemap in the footer or a dedicated page helps users find the information they need quickly, improving overall user satisfaction.

3. Increased Website Traffic

By facilitating efficient crawling and indexing, sitemaps can help your website rank better in search engine results pages (SERPs). Higher visibility in search results often leads to increased website traffic.

4. Better Organization of Content

As your website grows, maintaining a clear structure can become challenging. Sitemaps help categorize and organize content, making it easier for users to navigate and find relevant information. This organized structure also aids search engines in understanding the relationship between different pages.

Best Practices for Creating Sitemaps

At our digital agency, we take a comprehensive approach to crafting your sitemap. We begin by discussing your goals and understanding your website’s purpose. Through Q&A sessions, research, and A/B testing, we delve into what your users need and how search engines will interpret your site. Here are some key best practices we follow:

Website Goals and Hierarchy

Before we start designing, we define your website’s goals clearly. We identify the most important pages and organize them in a logical hierarchy. This starts with the homepage, followed by parent pages, subcategories, and individual pages. This hierarchy is designed to be intuitive for both your visitors and search engines.

Important Pages and Optimization for Search Engines

Your sitemap should include all core pages, such as the homepage, category pages, product pages, and key content pages. Pages you don’t want to be indexed can be excluded from the sitemap. We regularly update your sitemap to ensure it reflects any changes in your website’s content. Find out more about the core pages every website should have, here. 

Descriptive Titles and Clear Labels for Pages

Clear, descriptive titles and labels enhance navigation and help search engines understand each page’s content. This practice improves both user experience and SEO, making it easier for visitors to find what they need. Read more about our SEO Roadmap here. 

Regular Updates of the Sitemap to Keep It Relevant

Keeping your sitemap up to date is vital whenever changes are made to your website. This ensures search engines have the latest information, enabling them to crawl and index your site more effectively. Regular updates also benefit user navigation by reflecting the current structure of your website.


Adding a sitemap to your website planning and development is essential for improving user experience and SEO. Whether your site is big or small, knowing how sitemaps work will make your website more organized, user-friendly, and easier for search engines to index. By following best practices and steering clear of common pitfalls, your sitemap can effectively boost your site’s goals, making it more usable and visible. Happy mapping!

FAQs About Sitemaps

1. What is a sitemap and why is it important for website design?

A sitemap is a visual or structured representation of a website’s content hierarchy, showing the relationships between different pages and sections. It helps in organizing information effectively and ensures that both users and search engines can navigate the site easily. In web design, a sitemap serves as a blueprint that guides the layout and structure of the website, aligning with UX principles to enhance usability and overall user experience.

2. How does a Google sitemap differ from a traditional website sitemap?

A Google sitemap, typically in XML format, is specifically designed to communicate with search engines like Google. It contains a list of URLs of a website’s pages along with metadata such as when they were last updated and their importance in relation to other pages. This helps search engines crawl and index the site more efficiently. In contrast, a traditional website sitemap, often in HTML format, is primarily meant for human users, providing a navigational aid by listing all accessible pages.

3. What role does sitemap hierarchy play in information architecture and UX design?

Sitemap hierarchy refers to the structure and organization of content within a sitemap, reflecting the information hierarchy of the website. This hierarchy is crucial in UX design as it influences how users perceive and interact with the site’s content. By following UX principles such as intuitive navigation and clear information architecture, sitemap hierarchy ensures that users can easily find the information they need, enhancing usability and overall user experience.

4. What is the difference between XML and HTML sitemaps?

XML sitemaps are primarily for search engines, listing URLs to help crawlers index your site efficiently. HTML sitemaps, on the other hand, are for users, providing a navigational aid with clickable links to all pages on your site.

5. Why is it important to have a sitemap for SEO?

Sitemaps enhance SEO by ensuring search engines can find and index all important pages on your site. This can lead to better visibility and ranking in search engine results.

6. Do all websites need a sitemap?

Whether you need a sitemap for your website depends on its size and complexity. Larger websites and e-commerce platforms with over 20,000 pages can significantly benefit from having a sitemap. In such cases, breaking it into multiple sitemaps and creating a sitemap index for Google submission is advisable. On the other hand, smaller sites, such as simple sales landing pages, may not require a sitemap as much due to their straightforward structure and content. The general rule is that sitemaps help with organization, SEO, and ensuring all pages are easily accessible to both users and search engines.

7. How often should I update my sitemap?

It’s best practice to update your sitemap whenever you add or remove pages from your website. This ensures search engines have the latest information and can crawl your site efficiently. Read more here: How can regular website maintenance keep your site secure & SEO-friendly?

8. Can a sitemap improve user experience?

Yes, sitemaps can enhance user experience by providing an additional way for users to navigate your site. HTML sitemaps, in particular, offer a clear overview of your site’s structure, helping visitors find content quickly and easily. Read More: Why having a good UX website matters?