Boost conversions with these UX tips for landing page design

Your website needs to be inviting, intuitive, and optimized for conversion, and we’re not just talking about tweaking colors or rearranging buttons. Today, we’re focusing on UX (User Experience) tips to enhance your landing page design and boost conversions. UX optimization for landing pages is crucial, especially during the awareness and consideration stages of your marketing funnel. If you’re unsure whether your website is optimized, consider the following five points and assess for yourself.

illustration of women checking UX

UX Tips for Better Conversion Rates

list of tips for better conversion rates

1. Invest in an intuitive design

User experience (UX) is the cornerstone of successful landing page design. Having an interface that is intuitive and user-friendly will reduce difficulties and guide users, leading to increased conversion rates. More isn’t better when it comes to websites—simplicity is the way to go. Your website’s navigation needs to be clear, the layout should be intuitive, and the branding should be cohesive, which will lead to a cohesive user experience that will establish your brand as reliable.

Roadmap’s blog on UX Optimisation gives you information about website content layout, readability, and visual display. This will allow you to create a website that attracts users through the conversion funnel.

2. Simplify your forms

Think back to the time you were facing a form with tons of questions, how eager were you to fill it out? Maybe you didn’t even complete it. Similarly, your user can be deterred from filling out your forms if it’s too much. 

According to research by Unbounce, companies that reduce the number of form fields from 11 to 4 witness a remarkable 120% increase in conversions. In addition, when you include an auto-fill feature, it attracts users even more. The easier it is, the more submissions you’ll get. If you’re not sure where to start, you can access HubSpot’s guide on form design.

3. Refine your content for UX

Crafting compelling content is essential to driving conversions. Your headlines, copy, and calls-to-action (CTAs) should captivate users and compel them to take action. Incorporate persuasive language that resonates with your target audience and clearly communicates the value proposition of your products or services.

But it’s not only about the kinds of words you use; it’s also how your website looks, like images, videos, and/or infographics, to attract and keep visitors. Look at your favorite website. Ask yourself why you prefer it. Could it be that on top of their content, the layout is attractive as well?

4. Prioritize mobile optimization

With a significant portion of web traffic originating from mobile devices, neglecting mobile optimization can have detrimental effects on your conversion rates. One example is page loading time. According to Google, 53% of mobile users abandon sites that take longer than three seconds to load. Yikes! 

You must ensure that your users can enjoy an enjoyable experience on your landing pages through their phones. Focus on a responsive design, quick load time, and seamless navigation. Tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help you ensure mobile optimization and identify areas you need to improve.

5. Test, iterate & improve UX design continuously

A good conversion rate is typically around 2-5%, but continuous improvement is key. To make sure your website is performing well you need to have regular checks using different tools. A/B testing, user feedback, data analysis, and more helps you catch undesirable features quickly and improve on them. Always test different parts of your website, like layout variations, headlines, and CTAs. Regularly monitoring your website can take you a long way to make sure it’s always relevant and provides a seamless experience for all your visitors.

We can help with your landing page design!

If you already have a website and think it’s outdated or not performing at its best, we’re here to help. Whether you need improvements or a complete redesign, enhancing your landing pages will boost user trust. Click to get started with a free check-up, and our team will provide a personalized report detailing the necessary steps within 2 business days.




